The universe is an unimaginably large and continues to expand till the end of time. But that does not mean that the universe can be destroyed beforehand. Meet the starngelets as strange as they sound!
Neutron Star
A neutron star is a very dense and compact star composed mainly of neutrons12.It is the remnant of the core of a massive star that exploded as a supernova.Neutron stars are typically about 20 km in diameter and have masses between 1.18 and 1.97 times that of the Sun.They are one of the possible outcomes of the evolution of the most massive stars, along with black holes. These neutron stars have a core like the stars which contain the weirdest thing in the universe and the self destruct button of it.
Strange Matter
Strange matter is a soup-like substance made of a trio of quarks, including strange quarks . It is unlike any matter on Earth, as it is heavier and less organized.It is speculated to exist in the core of neutron stars, or as isolated droplets called strangelets or strange stars. Some physicists have suggested that strange matter could turn ordinary matter into strange matter if they come into contact, potentially destroying the world.
When was it created?

After 0.32 seconds since the big bang, quarks- things found inside protons and neutrons which is the smallest particle in existence were tightly clumped together in a hot area, this created strangelets or stramge matter. When two quarks collided by the high pressure strange matter was formed. This strange matter engulfed more quarks causing the first neutrons stars to form.
How could they destroy the universe?
For example, if a strangelet (large as a neucleus of a oxygen atom) touched earth, then it will shrink 1/7 of its size and become very dense and becomes the hazardous strange matter. If a strangelet hits the Sun, then it will become twice the size of uranus and become strange matter.
Information about the strange matter.
Strange quarks or strangelets are not made of any atom, just a few quarks in a huge temperature three times higher than the boiling point of water. It cannot turn a gas or light into strange matter.
That is everything known about the destruct button of the universe or strange matter. As of November 2023.